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:: Volume 2, Issue 4 (12-2019) ::
پژوهشنامه 2019, 2(4): 95-117 Back to browse issues page
The Evolution of Eco-Branding: from Eco-Labelling to Eco-Designing
Maedeh Hosseini Komeleh 1, Shahryar Shokrpour
Abstract:   (1867 Views)
Eco-branding was conceived in the second half of the 20th century by some environment friendly brands, with the commencementof voluntary eco-labelling programmes in the late 1970s. The concept of eco-branding, though, has expanded since its inception covering a wider range of corporate environmental activities. One of the steps in creating an eco-brand is to design its visual identity. Despite the introduction of the concept of sustainability into the field of design and the emergence of sustainable graphic design, sustainable visual identity design and visual ecodesign is an emerging phenomenon which has greatly improvedthe alignment of a brand with its environmental agenda. The main purpose of this research is to address the concept of eco-branding and the scope covered by it in different periods from the beginning until now,as well as sustainable design strategies of brand visual identity. In addition to an introduction to the concept and history of eco-branding and its development in recent years, and a study of sustainable visual identity design and eco-branding, the first example of eco-branding and its design approach has been introduced.
Efforts are made in designing a sustainable visual brand identityto reduce the amount of ink, paper and energy consumed, as well as the size of digital files. As a result, the environmental impact and economic costs of a brand are significantly reduced through sustainable design. Therefore, the environment and the necessityto pay attention to its health, along with other factors and considerations considered by some designersin the design processare of importance, as are their proliferation the design community.
Keywords: Eco-branding, Eco-design, Sustainable Visual identity, Sustainable design, Sustainable brand, Green brand.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Special
Received: 2019/10/6 | Accepted: 2019/12/4
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Hosseini Komeleh M, Shokrpour S. The Evolution of Eco-Branding: from Eco-Labelling to Eco-Designing. پژوهشنامه 2019; 2 (4) :95-117
URL: http://pazhouheshnameh.ir/article-1-63-en.html

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پژوهشنامه فرهنگستان هنر Pazhouhesh Nameh-e Farhangestan-e Honar
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