:: Volume 2, Issue 7 (2-2024) ::
پژوهشنامه 2024, 2(7): 51-69 Back to browse issues page
The Status of The Outputs of The Faculty Members of Industrial Design in University of Tehran From The Time Until 1402
Nasrin Moghaddam , Ghazaleh Bagheri
Abstract:   (316 Views)
The growth and development of sciences and academic disciplines and their trends are always changing and entering new directions. This process in academic fields can move quickly or slowly in the direction of growth and vice versa, their obsolescence. Despite the fact that the field of industrial design has started its path in the country's macro-planning in order to grow industrial production, but contrary to expectations in the process of managing affairs, a comprehensive evaluation in the field of Scientometrics has not been done so far. In order to evaluate the field of industrial design from the point of view of Scientometrics initially, a part of the academic community of industrial design was investigated and analyzed with the aim of understanding the evolution of this field of study based on available sources. Therefore, in the current research, the course of studies and scientific records of the faculty members of industrial design of the University College of Fine Arts in the University of Tehran were selected and evaluated. In fact, in addition to focusing on the articles published in scientific journals and conferences and the books authored by them in Persian and Latin, attention has been paid to their other scientific achievements since the beginning of this field of study in University of Tehran. In the stage of data acquisition and information processing, an effort was made to do it in a survey-descriptive method with reference to titles, keywords and topics. As a result, the current research was able to identify, analyze and finally present the scientific course of industrial design in different trends and fields for the target society. Among the other achievements of this research is the subject classification of scientific outputs and study trends by year. All that has been mentioned so far is a valuable opportunity for scholars, professors and students of industrial design to understand the subject. Finally, the conducted study is a referable reference in the field of management and educational planning, financial and human resources and evaluation of the position of universities and scientific centers in the field of industrial design for planners and executives.

Keywords: University of Tehran, Industrial Design, Statistics, Research Output, Scientometrics.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Special
Received: 2024/03/16 | Accepted: 2024/02/29

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Volume 2, Issue 7 (2-2024) Back to browse issues page